Building Consultancy – Tailored to the needs of occupational therapists and funding providers.
Hunter Home Modifications offers Building consultancy services to occupational therapists, clients and Funding providers. Our licensed builders can help with your building consultation needs.
The home modification process begins at the very first occupational therapy assessment. The occupational therapist will work closely with you or your family, carers and significant others to understand your disability, functional needs or challenges brought on by ageing. The occupational therapist will look at your daily routine, current mobility and functional requirements, formal and informal supports and well as your past and current strategies for managing environmental barriers.
Typically, an Occupational Therapist will then consult with Hunter Home Modifications and a Hunter Home Modifications building construction professional will conduct a joint home modification assessment so they can assist the occupational therapist in the development of a functional and compliant solution that is value for money. Each home modification is designed as a unique product based on the needs of the client in their specific environment. and to comply with the Australian Building Code and relevant standards.
The purpose of a joint occupational therapist/builder home modification assessment (‘building consult’) is to work closely with the occupational therapist to ensure the final design has been completed after consideration is given not only to client needs but also existing construction constraints, regulatory and statutory guidelines and any other compliance requirements of the proposed works.
The joint Occupational Therapist/Building Consultation process
The assessment process includes:
An overview of the home environment, noting the general layout, width of doorways and hallways, location and number of bathrooms, floor coverings and a range of other relevant factors; As required, an Occupational Therapy assessment is undertaken to gain an understanding of your health, functional and care needs, your daily routine and activities and any issues you may be experiencing completing these tasks within you home environment and your goals.
Assessing the structural suitability of the home including the age of the home, the construction type (eg, concrete slab), roof structure (conventional or truss), as well as the location and construction of windows that may be impacted by modifications; Location of utilities, especially the electrical switchboard;
Taking photographs and measurements, and (when appropriate) completing sketches of the areas of the home relevant to the proposed modifications Once we complete our assessment, we discuss any appropriate alternatives and recommendations for home modification design with you and your significant others. At every stage we give you and your significant others an opportunity to provide input into the design to ensure it will meet your needs.”